πŸ” Reviewing Your Copy

Written by ilia


Updated over a week ago


1 min read

Reviewing Your Copy

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Find and correct typos in this text:'In each and eevry busnises three’s a nmebur of pcdrreoues that are done on an edrveyay bsias. All the empleyeos do them amictatllaouy, wthuoit any hitaietson. Hoewver, trehe is an iusse: how deos one pass tihs asmlot sraced kngwedole to a new eoylmpee oornabd? Tihs poecrss ruireqes time, mooevrer it’s very teromsie to anwesr riettpveie qoetnisus (that seem to be obvuios) of the nomeecrws. SOPs (or sdnartad oenrptaig peourdrces) are the baisc kdwognele one has to acqirue auobt the cnpomay's wlfrokow, plicoy and fnntnociuig.'


In each and every business there's a number of procedures that are done on an everyday basis. All the employees do them automatically, without any hesitation. However, there's an issue: how does one pass this almost sacred knowledge to a new employee onboard? This process requires time, moreover it's very time consuming to answer repetitive questions (that seem to be obvious) of the newcomers. SOPs (or standard operating procedures) are the basic knowledge one has to acquire about the company's workflow, policy and functioning.

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